This is the first installment of our video series being presented by Nicole Reese of the Scoggin Group with Mauti Meredith Scoggin Properties. Nicole is presenting a brief analysis of the marketing trends for Beau Chene Subdivision in Mandeville, Louisiana. This video reviews the active, pending, under contract and sold properties along with the average sold and listing prices for the golf community.
For more information, contact Debbie (985)249-1779 or
Tony Randolph says
Great video, this really did help out a lot. It’s interesting how much people are willing to pay for property for the golf community. Especially, if the median is around 300k
Michell says
The figures of house sale are not quite encouraging. The property market has not recovered it seems. I don’t know how long will the market take to recover fully and homeowners can get decent prices.
Jackie says
I had listed my house for sale. Till date I have not been able to sale it. most of the people who approach me ask for a price cut which is impossible, considering the amount I have invested.