Download Gulf Coast Business Council, CEO and Business Owner Confidence – 4Q 2010
I include this survey conducted by the Gulf Coast Business Council, because it shows confidence in our economy. This survey is a barometer for how CEO's and Business Owners feel about the market in the year ahead, (on the Mississippi Gulf Coast), and in some cases the numbers are the highest they have been in 4 years. Woot!! A positive note and I wanted to make sure I shared it due to the gross amount of negativity we have experienced of late. I believe the economy in 2011 will grow, and for the simple reason of the recent elections and the large Republican influx into our government at all levels. The American people now feel there is a system of checks and balances back in place, to hold our current government, the Democratic party, from continuing their agenda of programs which are not wanted; I.E. Healthcare, Cap and Trade, The Dream Act; need I go on…?
The American People have spoken, loud and clear, and hence the economy will gain ground this year.
How do you feel about the market in 2011?
Thank You
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